intelligence in forbearance.
To think is to dream they say...
but to dream too much is to
waste away.
In front of the tele,
with a potato chip belly,
we ignore reality
and escape mundanity
with the punch of the remote.
I have to quote,
"The fat is in the fire now,"
the sheeple have forgotten how
to think for themselves.
Ignore the books on the shelves,
just grab the latest iPad
and say
"Ah, you shouldn't have."
Copyright Steven Clark 2012
Submitted for Blogophilia 22.5
topic: Ah, you shouldn't have
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2pts): Use the Designer Haider Ackermann's line, "I love what the French call Errance."
(it means losing yourself by escaping to an unfamiliar place or just dreaming)
(Easy, 1pt): Mention a really effective fat-melting treatment
bonus guesses: color blind, a world of black and white, true colors, tuning out, fade to black, vision, taste the rainbow