Thursday, January 16, 2014


I hadn't logged into this blog since last summer, until I decided to write something recently for the new Facebook writing group "The Blogging Lounge," and before last summer, it had been 2012 since I'd logged in.  Wow.

Four whole posts for 2013.  I think that's the longest I've ever been MIA from my blog.  

It hasn't felt like that long to me, but then, 2013 has pretty much been a blur.

Since logging back in a few days ago, I've read over a lot of my old posts and found nuggets of writing that I'd completely forgotten about.  A few are worth sharing again, but I'll wait until the time is ripe.

So what has been going on in my life all this time?  Or in other words, "where the hell have I been?"

When I first started blogging waaaaay back in 2008 in the Myspace days (Jesus, that's a lifetime ago it seems), my life was an open book.  I wrote about anything and everything and didn't hold much back.  Now though, I don't feel comfortable sharing that much of my private life to the world.  It's like I stripped down and exposed myself, and now I want to put my clothes back on.  The last few years I've written some really soul-bearing stuff, but it's still "mylife-lite".  I've written alot about emotions and thoughts, but not a lot about what is really going on in my life.

I think I'm ready to share some of that now.......but not in this post.  Soon, though.

I know the burning question on everyone's mind is "Is he still clean?"

Yes, I am clean today.  Taking it day by day, and it's only today that matters.


  1. So good to see you writing. :-) This makes me happy.

    Plus I am interested to find out just where the hell you've been.

  2. Great that you're clean! We miss you over at Blogophilia.


  3. I'm so glad you're writing <3
    And clean :) ~ Kim

    1. Is this my Kimmers? :) Thank you sweetie.

    2. Of course it's me. I'm your number one fan *creepy Kathy Bates from Misery* lol! :)

    3. Of course it's me. I'm your number one fan *creepy Kathy Bates from Misery* lol! :)

  4. Hey old friend. Maybe I'll pick up the pen again with you. Kind of in the same mind set.

    ALWAYS good to see you around. Hugs across the miles. You are loved.


  5. I like that you're considering baring all again, or maybe a lot, because it is very therapeutic to do so. I know for me, once it's written, it's under control. I have no idea why, except it clears the brain.
    Clean today is good.

    1. I don't think I'll be "baring all" again, just baring a little bit more than I have been. I do need to let some things go, as they've been eating me alive.

  6. Another day clean and another day lived.

    Keep on rocking.

  7. There you are.. good to see you and good to hear how you're doing. One day at a time, one step at a time, one moment...don't look to the future that we aren't promised, that makes it difficult, don't look to the past, we aren't there any more..look to today and be strong. You're doing well, and that is what matters..

  8. Steven I'm glad for that... now on the last post I commented several times ( from my phone ) and none of them have appeared so I guess they got "eaten" as well. Just know I'm always here and I'm always rooting for you . I never know which account I'm picking ( so I'll tell you it's me (Ileene

  9. Yeah going over old writing is neat. I had to do that for the book. And sometimes I say, oh not bad
    While I always want to know what’s going on with you, I think you’ve reached a healthier plain now. I would wish that you write stories. You do them so well You can start with blogophilia it’s a good exercise for the brain

    1. Stories are hard. They make my brain hurt, lol.

      I dunno abut "healthier plane", but thanks for thinking so.
